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Recruitment: Recruitment
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 - A Letter From Our VP of Recruitment -

Dear Potential New Member,
If you’re reading this, you’re likely thinking: “is this sorority thing really for me?” I felt the same way when I was in your shoes, but decided to give the recruitment a try. And I’m so glad I did!

Stepping out of your comfort zone and getting to connect with the incredible members of CWRU’s sororities is such a great way to get involved on campus, and expand your community. I remember feeling nervous and stressed to put myself out there, but was surprised by how much I loved making connections with the people that would later become my sisters. It may be daunting, but the members of Pi Beta Phi want to get to know YOU, and share our values and stories throughout the recruitment process. 


Throughout my time in Pi Phi, I have made wonderful friends and memories that will stick with me far past my time at CWRU. I’ve developed my leadership skills, gained confidence, and most of all have had so much fun. I truly can’t imagine where I would be without this sorority. We’re so excited to meet you and hopefully share in this life changing experience. 

Amanda Slusser

Formal Recruitment 2021

Due to COVID-19, formal recruitment will be held virtually during the weekends of January 15th-17th and 23rd-24th. More updates will be provided soon in regards to the specifics of recruitment. 


To follow these updates and learn more about the formal recruitment process please visit the Panhellenic Formal Recruitment Website!





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