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Recruitment: Recruitment
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 - A Letter From Our VP of Recruitment -

Dear Potential New Member,


Choosing to go through sorority recruitment is a big commitment. It’s hard to be stuck inside taking online classes all day, which is why it is important that we get out of our comfort zones, and put ourselves out there to meet new people. Joining a sorority is where you can find a strong group of womxn to connect with and support you. 


Each and every member of Pi Beta Phi upholds our values of: Integrity, Lifelong Commitment, Honor and Respect, Philanthropic Service to Others, Personal and Intellectual Growth, Sincere Friendship in their own unique ways. My personal favorite value is Sincere Friendship. I have been lucky enough to find that at Pi Phi. I met a group of people with whom I can be myself, without fear of judgement. I can call them for no reason other than to sit in silence together, or if I am feeling down and need someone to talk to. Through joining my sorority, I have met so many of the people that I’m sure will be my lifelong friends and sisters.


When I was a PNM, recruitment and sorority life seemed very foreign and intimidating to me. I am somewhat introverted and am not used to talking to so many people in one day. Spending days talking to new people can be exhausting, but I cannot stress how grateful I am that I went through that experience. Once I found the chapter that was right for me, I realized I could relax and be myself.  I realized that I exponentially improved my networking and social skills which has in turn helped me in so many other ways. Two years ago, I would have never expected myself to be in the position I am today and I’m so happy with my decision. 


The sisters at Pi Beta Phi cannot wait to meet and welcome each and every one of you into the Greek Community at Case Western! We hope you are all able to find your community like the one we found with Pi Phi!


                                                                                       Best wishes,

                                                                            Lauren Sharkey

Formal Recruitment 2021

Due to COVID-19, formal recruitment will be held virtually during the beginning of February. More updates will be provided soon in regards to the specifics of recruitment. 


To follow these updates and learn more about the formal recruitment process please visit the Panhellenic Formal Recruitment Website!





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